Articles By Dr. Sabeel

February 14, 2019

How Dysmenorrhea Cure Using Homeopathic Medicine ?

Definition of Dysmenorrhea Dysmenorrhea is the term associated with the monthly blood flow or menstruation of women. It refers to the pain that some women feel […]
February 14, 2019

Chorea Basic Causes Types Diagnosis and Homeopathic Treatment

What is Chorea? Chorea may be termed as a disorder that can lead to unpredictable and involuntary movements of body parts like the face, shoulders, and […]
February 14, 2019

Ascites Common Types, Symptoms, Causes & Its Homeopathic Cure

Definition of Ascites Ascites refer to a medical condition in which the abdominal cavity fills with fluid. The fluid that occupies the abdomen is normally clear […]
February 14, 2019

Vomiting Causes Symptoms and Treatment in Homeopathy

Definition Vomiting is a reflex action that involuntarily and forcefully empties the stomach. Vomiting may be associated with a number of factors but mainly it is […]
January 19, 2019

What is Seasonal Allergy symptoms causes and Homeopathic Treatment

Seasonal Allergy Allergy or unfavorable symptoms appear at a specific time of the year. Seasonal allergy is also known as Hey fever and is normally caused […]
January 19, 2019
cough homeopathic treatment

Cough Definition, Types Causes and Treatment in Homeopathy

Definition  Cough may be defined as a repetitive reflex action that keeps the breathing passage, lungs and throat, clear of irritants, external particles, and fluids. A […]
October 16, 2018
what is moles and treatment

What is Moles? Causes Symptoms and Homeopathic Treatment

What is Moles? Moles can be referred to as a spot on skin that is usually black, tan, or brown in color. The moles may vary […]
October 16, 2018
What is dyspepsia

Dyspepsia Symptoms Causes and Successful Treatment In Homeopathy

Definition of dyspepsia Dyspepsia also known as indigestion is the continual pain and feeling of discomfort in the upper abdominal area. Though the pain is felt […]
October 16, 2018

Lymphoma Successful Treatment by Using Homeopathic medicine

Definition of Lymphoma White cells are known as lymphocytes inside our body play a vital role in fighting against the invaders. Thus these cells maintain the […]
September 24, 2018
homeopathic doctor sabeel treatment of Sinusitis

Sinusitis Possible Causes, Symptoms, and Homeopathic Treatment

What is Sinusitis? Sinusitis is the condition caused by the swelling of the cavities that surround the nasal passage. This condition causes problems in breathing as […]
September 24, 2018
sabeel homeopathic treatment of warts

what is warts? how its Cure using Homeopathic Medicine

What is Warts? Warts are the small and grainy growths inside the skin mostly seen in fingers, hands, and feet. The outcome of viral infection that […]
September 24, 2018
sabeel homeopathic thoat cancer treatment

Throat Cancer Causes Symptoms and Effective Homeopathic Treatment

Throat Cancer Definition Throat cancer refers to the condition in which a tumor or grown tissues are developed in the throat. Throat includes the area of mouth […]
September 24, 2018
IBS Sabeel homeopathic treatment

IBS Safe, Natural & Effective Homeopathic Treatment in Pakistan

What is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? Irritable Bowel Syndrome is also known as IBS is a functional disorder of the intestine both small and large that […]
September 15, 2018
sabeel hoemopathic clinic hemorrhoids treatment

Haemorrhoids Treatment in Homeopathy without operation

Definition of Haemorrhoids, Hemorrhoids, generally known as “Piles” is the condition in which the veins of the rectum or anus swell and cause discomfort while bowel […]
January 2, 2016
Normal and PCOS Ovary in Women's Reproductive System Image

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Safe and Perfect Treatment in Homeopathy

Definition of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a medical condition in which cysts are formed inside the women’s ovaries. These ovarian cysts […]
December 19, 2015
A bone with osteosarcoman

Osteosarcoma – Symptoms, Causes and Homeopathic Treatment

What is Osteosarcoma? Osteosarcoma is a tumor-associated with the bones. It is the most typical type of bones cancer that causes immature bones to be produced. […]
December 18, 2015
signs of dengue fever

Dengue Fever Quick and Safe Cure Using Homeopathic Medicines

Definition of Dengue Fever Dengue fever is a viral fever that is transmitted through mosquitoes. It is a debilitating disease and causes sudden fever with severe […]
December 16, 2015
what is sciatica pain

Sciatica Nerve Pain Symptoms, Causes and Best Homeopathic Treatment

What is Sciatica Pain? Sciatica pain is a common pain associated with legs originated by the disturbance of the sciatica nerve. The human body is composed […]