Dr. Sabeel Ahmed is a Licensed Homeopath with 19+ years of hands-on experience treating acute and chronic illnesses using Homeopathy Treatment in Pakistan. He has treated hundreds of patients with severe illnesses like Cancer, Tumors, Hepatitis C, Piles and many more. View his Achievements & Certifications.
Why Homeopathy?
Homeopathy treatment is totally free of side effects. Even if you are taking homeopathic medicines for years you will not be hurt.
In homeopathy, there is treatment for almost all diseases known to mankind. There is nothing impossible in the cure world of Homeopathy. The treatment of Cancer, Hepatitis, Cervical issues, AIDS; everything is possible.
In homeopathy all treatment is done without any surgery. No body part or organ is opened or cut. This is a huge advantage of this treatment method over allopathic treatment. Complex diseases like Fistula, Piles, Hernia, Constipation, Kidney Stones, Gall Bladder Stones and Ulcers, all are treated without surgery.
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B- 549 satellite Town near Commercial market Rawalpindi