Homeopathy Treatment in Pakistan for complex diseases - Sabeel Homeo

Dr. Sabeel Ahmed is a Licensed Homeopath with 19+ years of hands-on experience treating acute and chronic illnesses using Homeopathy Treatment in Pakistan. He has treated hundreds of patients with severe illnesses like Cancer, Tumors, Hepatitis C, Piles and many more. View his Achievements & Certifications.

Why Homeopathy?

There are many advantages of Homeopathic treatment over Allopathic treatment. The main advantages are:

Homeopathy treatment is totally free of side effects. Even if you are taking homeopathic medicines for years you will not be hurt.

In homeopathy, there is treatment for almost all diseases known to mankind. There is nothing impossible in the cure world of Homeopathy. The treatment of Cancer, Hepatitis, Cervical issues, AIDS; everything is possible.

In homeopathy all treatment is done without any surgery. No body part or organ is opened or cut. This is a huge advantage of this treatment method over allopathic treatment. Complex diseases like Fistula, Piles, Hernia, Constipation, Kidney Stones, Gall Bladder Stones and Ulcers, all are treated without surgery.



Water Kefir. Benefits, Homeopathic Integration, Uses, and Recipe

Water kefir is a probiotic-rich, fermented drink made from sugar water and water kefir grains. Known for its health benefits and tangy flavor, water kefir is […]

Nasal Adenoids: Symptoms, Causes, Reduction Strategies and Homeopathic Treatments

Nasal adenoids, or adenoid hypertrophy, refer to the enlargement of the adenoids—lymphatic tissue located at the back of the nasal cavity. These structures play a role […]

Epilepsy: Symptoms, Causes, Reduction Strategies and Homeopathic Treatment

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Affecting millions worldwide, epilepsy significantly impacts individuals’ daily […]

Case Studies

Fatty liver cured from homeopathic treatment

This latest case study of fatty liver was cured of homeopathic treatment by Dr. Sabeel from a period of year 2022 to 2024. Fatty liver, often […]

Ascites enlarged spleen and liver cured by Homeopathic Treatment

Patient with Ascites enlarged spleen and liver, Bilateral increased renal parenchymal echogenicity Grade 1 Symphytum, and Sever dyspnea due to ascites disease cured by the homeopathic […]

Thyroid disease Patient cured by homeopathic medicine

Thyroid profile of a patient who was cured of Thyroid Disease by the homeopathic treatment done by Dr. Sabeel Ahmed. Patient Information: Name: Mrs. Safia Gender: […]

Book Appointment

Call or Send an SMS/Whatsapp and take time for discussion on 0300-5125394.
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Visit My Clinic

B- 549 satellite Town near Commercial market Rawalpindi

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B- 549 satellite Town near Commercial market Rawalpindi