Thyroid profile of a patient who was cured of Thyroid Disease by the homeopathic treatment done by Dr. Sabeel Ahmed.
Patient Information:
- Name: Mrs. Safia
- Gender: Female
- Residence: Rawalpindi, Pakistan
- Age: 40 Years at the time of treatment
- Disease Diagnosed: Thyroid Disease
- Medical Test Done: Thyroid Profile
- Chowking sensation in Throat
- Gradually loss of wright
- Burning in chest
- Physical stress and insomnia
- Mouth dryness
- The patient was treated before the treatment by Dr. Sabeel but was not feeling well.
Thyroid Profile report before starting treatment from Dr. Sabeel:

Thyroid Profile report after homeopathic treatment of Thyroid Disease:

This report clearly mentions that after treatment T3, T4, and TSH clearly reduced to normal ranges.
Patient of Thyroid Disease Mrs.Safia feels very well and satisfied. Thyroid profile report after Treatment of Dr. Sabeel clearly between normal ranges. It Shows that Homeopathic Medicine is the safe and natural way to treat Thyroid Disease without any pain full procedure.
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