What are Peptic Ulcers and How are They Caused?
The food we eat travels from our mouth to the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. Our stomach secretes a specific enzyme called pepsin and Hydrochloric acid. Both of these are responsible for the breakdown of food into smaller particles before entering into the small intestine. The internal walls of the human stomach and small intestine are protected by a thick mucous layer to nullify the effects of stomach enzymes. But, sometimes a hole is formed in the walls of the stomach by breaking the mucous wall and creating an infection. These holes are called ulcers. The holes created in the stomach are called gastric ulcers. The holes or ulcers created in the duodenum are known as duodenal ulcers. The holes or ulcers that occur in the esophagus are called esophageal ulcers. Generally, all these ulcers are collectively known as peptic ulcers.

What are the Main Causes of Peptic Ulcer?
- The main cause of peptic ulcers is a bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori.
- This bacteria is usually present in the saliva of infected patients. These bacteria attack the walls of the stomach, duodenum, and esophagus that makes them weak. Now digestive enzymes like Pepsin and Hydrochloric acid cause damage to walls that cause irritation, infection, and ulcer formation.
- Some drugs when used in wrong doses for a long period of time may also cause this issue. For example, aspirin and ibuprofen, etc.
- Other factors that trigger the increased formation of digestive enzymes causing ulcers are depression, stress, cigarettes, caffeine, alcohol, and physical stress, etc.
Common Symptoms of Peptic Ulcer:
- Dull pain in the chest
- Burning dull pain in the stomach
- After eating or drinking something the stomach ulcers become worse
- After eating or drinking something Duodenal ulcers become better but become worse after 2 hours
- Pain increases when the stomach is empty, especially during the night
- Decrease in weight and appetite
- Stomach bloating
- Feeling Sickness
- Heartburn
- Simple or bloody Vomits
- Nausea
How Peptic Ulcers are Treated Using Homeopathic Medicines?
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating peptic ulcers. These medicines play the following roles to control this condition:
- Infections created in the walls of the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum are healed
- The H. Pylori bacterium effects are nullified
- The excessive amounts of acid and pepsin created by the stomach are controlled so that they may not create further damage
Due to all these actions, the peptic ulcers are reduced and finally removed from our digestive tract. The medicines are very effective and ensure that recurrence of this problem does not happen in the future.
Here is The Medicine for Peptic Ulcer.
Nux Vomica best medicine for peptic ulcer
- Nux is the Best Medicine for Many of the Condition Incident in Modern Life.
- The main Symptoms of Nux Vomica are prolonged office work overstudy and use of Alcohol. Coffee and result come stomach burning, constipated.
- indigestion eating after 2 hours feel Uncomfortable distend abdomen if found that symptom in Peptic Ulcer Nux Vomica is exact medicine for Mentions problem above.
- Anacardium is used fully for peptic Ulcers if the complaints are worse by Empty stomach.
- Slow digestion
- Pinching pain in the stomach and better after eating.
Carbo Vegetables
- Key symptoms of Carbo veg in peptic Ulcer are heaviness, fullness burning pain in the stomach
- Early morning develop Nausea.
- Faint feeling in the stomach not better by eating.
Arsenic Album
- Main and Important indication of ars album in Peptic ulcer Burning pain with unquenchable thirst but little at a time.
- Symptoms are aggravated from midnight 12 pm to 2 pm.
Dear Sir,
My name is Amjad Ali, 26 Year old, resident of Swabi.
i am patient of Stomach Ulcer and H/pylori positive since 2010, tries every types of treatment but no success found, i hear about your clinic from a search engine so i contact you.
Please sir study my case and recommend me treatment.
Amjad Ali
Sir my name is sadiq ahmad from Kamra. I am suffering from H.Pylori Positive desease. I used medicines for the same and recovered but after few months it started again. Twice I tried and recovered but now it started again. Kindly sent me ur address or phone number I want to start my treatment.
Thanking u sir.
Sadiq Ahmad Kamra