Sciatica pain is a common pain associated with legs originated by the disturbance of the sciatica nerve.
The human body is composed of a network of nerves that carries signals from organs to the brain and back to the organs. The longest nerve among these nerves is the sciatica nerve which moves from the pelvis to the feet passing through the buttocks. Any irritation or compression in this nerve causes severe pain starting from the low back to thighs and moving down below the knees which are known as sciatica pain.
Sciatica pain is a common pain associated with legs originated by the disturbance of the sciatica nerve.
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It Maybe characterized by either any of the following or all of the following symptoms
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Basically, sciatica is caused by a problem in the sciatic nerve. However following factors can also not be ignored.
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It is not very difficult to identify sciatica pain. The unique nature of pain is enough to judge back pain. Doctors take a medical history and perform a complete examination of the patient to know about the nature of the pain. A physical examination of the legs, hips, and back is done to check the flexibility, sensation, strength, and reflexes.
Furthermore, the doctor also can ask for some tests to get a true sketch of the pain. In this regard following tests may be demanded from the patient by the doctor
A patient suffering from sciatica pain can get relief even without any treatment within six weeks. But if the situation does not seem to be better in this tenure then the patient can adopt any of the following treatment.
Different pain killers and muscle relaxing medicines are available on the market to get rid of back pain. Some other medicines which are basically antidepressants are also helpful in relieving sciatica pain. Doctors also found anticonvulsants like gabapentin very effective for sciatica pain relief.
If painkillers are not helpful enough to relieve sciatica pain then the doctor will move to the next step, spinal corticosteroid or local anesthetic injection or both.
Although helpful these medicines cannot be used without the consultancy of the physician. Painkillers only can suppress the pain rather than cure it. These medicines are also not suitable to be used for a long time as the continuous use of these medicines can cause damage to the liver and kidney.
Homeopathic way of treatment provides a different remedy for different patients based on the behavior, mental state, lifestyle, sleeping pattern, and symptoms of the patient. Almost 192 remedies are there in homeopathy for the relief of back pain. Homeopathy treatment is preferred as it eradicates the problem while painkillers only suppress the back pain.
If the right medicines are given then the patient feels great relief in pain within 2 weeks. But complete cure requires complete treatment for 2-3 months depending upon the condition and actual cause of the problem.
Some of the frequently suggested medicines to relieve sciatica pain are:
Sciatica Pain worse on Resting Position. Pain aggravates laying on pain full side walking and movement to get some Relief. Rhus tox is a beneficial medicine who lifting weight. symptoms worse by cold air.
lower limbs stiff and like paralyze.
Most effective Homeopathic medicine for Sciatica Cause of Injury.
The back is very sensitive to touch.
Unbearable pain radiates to down word on Right side.
Weakness of lower limb due to spine Injury
Perfect Homeopathic medicine For Sciatica if The symptoms Relief by warm.
Colocynthis Medicine is Helpful if Sciatica is Left side.
Colosynthis also use for Pain Redbaiting Down. (Arnica, Kalmia)
Very Effective Medicine For Sciatica all Symptoms worse by Movement.
Pain down back, as if it would break.
Constant pain in Lumber Region.
These medicines are mentioned for educational and informational purposes and you should not use any of them without consulting an experienced homeopathic doctor.
This latest case study of lumbar spondylosis (lower back spinal disease) recovered to a better stage from homeopathic treatment by Dr. Sabeel.
excellent information
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Dear Dr. Sabeel:
I have following symptoms with my left leg, Kindly advise how can you help
Severe pain in leg worsening while sitting
Difficulty in walking and standing
Continuous pain in buttock (left side only)
Feeling weakness or numbness in left leg and foot
This is somewhat associated with my antistine, feel weakness in antistine.
I had severe pain in lower back.
The act of sitting down and standing up caused intense needle-like piercing pain. Lying on the bed was even more difficult because it included many movements like moving side to side which was very painful.
I reached Dr. Sabeel and started treatment.
In 3 days the pain decreased significantly.
In two weeks pain decreased by 80%. I am feeling better and better.
Dr. Sabeel Thankyou so very much for getting me out of this severe pain. I am happy I found a doctor like you.
I Had a severe sciatica pain last week due to severe pain even i could’t move .I took lot of pain killer and physiotherapy done but did not releif,so i visited to Dr Sabeel and he gave me emergency medicine and i felt better at the spot it was amazing for me and i came back home by its been a week ago and i have no pain more.
I Suggest all sciatica patients to visit Dr Sabeel ,homeopathy having a superb medicine for this pain.
Arnica,kalmia medicine ktny time kana chahiye ye medical store may mil jaty hai k nahi
Excellent and detailed information