PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a medical condition in which cysts are formed inside the women’s ovaries. These ovarian cysts are actually benign masses which are formed due to imbalance of sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone’s) of women.
Ovarian cysts formation can lead to other issues including infertility, heart problems, menstrual cycle disturbances etc.
Comparison of Normal Ovary with Polycystic Ovary
Image Credit: permanence.com.au
In PCOS the female sex hormone level is decreased due to which some male features are developed in females. These features include:
PCOS should be treated ASAP, because women with this condition may get following problems too:
Image Credit: PCOSChallenge.org
As described earlier the hormonal imbalance in the body of woman causes this problem. But what exactly is responsible for this hormonal imbalance is not known yet. But there are certain factors that increase the chances of Polycystic ovaries in a woman like:
Image Credit: healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au
Physical pelvic examination may be done to find symptoms of this problem like swollen clitoris and ovaries.
Real time images of woman’s reproductive organs are taken using vaginal ultrasound.
A small incision is made in the abdomen of woman and a tiny camera is inserted that checks the growths on woman’s ovaries. If there are some signs of growths on ovaries then biopsy of tissue is done for further study.
In Allopathy usually focus is done on controlling the symptoms of problem. Complete cure is usually very difficult.
Medicines are given to control the levels of Androgen in body. Drugs are also given to control symptoms like hair falling and acne. Some medicines are also given to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Doctors recommend regular exercise and balanced diet to the patients of PCOS especially to those who are obese. Healthy diet and good life style help to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels and regulate menstrual cycle.
Some women are asked to use birth control pills if they don’t need to become pregnant. These pills help to control symptoms of PCOS like , testosterone levels and regulate menstrual cycle.
To reduce the levels of Androgen, certain drugs are given. These are helpful in controlling signs and symptoms of PCOS.
In some cases surgery is done to reduce male hormone levels and promote ovulation. But this is not a permanent solution of PCOS.
Homeopathic medicines work to eliminate the root cause of PCOS. The imbalance of hormones in woman’s body is corrected through harmless medicines. Medicines are also given to give relief from symptoms of PCOS like hair falling, acne etc. There are no side effects of these medicines and patient starts feeling better within few weeks. If treatment is done in a right way, usually problem is cured within few months.
Some homeopathic medicines used to treat this condition include:
Please do not use any of these medicines on your own without consulting a professional homeopathic doctor.
If any one wants Treatment of PCOS Contact dr Sabeel .
Your article is good.I have pcos problem from many Years.Have go through homoptaic treatment for pcos but it failed on me after few months .now even taking many homopathic medicine ,idont get my periods from last 6 months.Altough single remedy help my some other related problem,but no periods .
Can you help me about its treatment.
i will grateful to find your reply in this regard.
Very well written article 🙂
I am 30 year’s Old unmarried female I have complex right ovarian cyst
From last eight years I used alot Of homeo, herbal medicine
But it didn’t work. Kindly recommend any useful medicine
Dr sab, Is this curable with Homeopathic Medicain, please advise.
Mobeen Kausar
Im 26 year married women having kids alhamdulillah i have pcos from begin,i used medicines but it didnt work prescribe me some homeo medicine for pcos,redices androgen level and fat.thank u