What is Migraine?
Migraine is a type of headache in which one-half of the head feels pulsating pain. This pain may last from 4 to 72 hours. Sometimes, some other symptoms are associated with this pain including vomiting, nausea, and increased sensitivity to light & sound. Migraine is a neurological syndrome. It is more common in women, especially during or immediately after their menstrual cycles.

What are the Causes of Migraine?
The exact cause of this condition is unknown. But it is believed that migraine occurs because of dilation and inflammation of blood vessels present in the head region. This vessels dilation causes disturbance in blood flow to the head area that causes the pain.
There are many factors that can trigger the attack of Migraines. Some factors are mentioned below:
- Stress, anxiety, depression, excitement, or worry
- Doing hard work or doing over-relaxation
- The patient may be sensitive to some foods and when these foods are used pain attack may be triggered. For example, chocolates, coffee, tea, cheese, citrus fruits, etc.
- Low Blood Sugar levels can also initiate migraine attacks.
- High blood pressure is also a major factor.
- Improper sleeping habits can also be a cause.
- Hormonal changes may also cause. Migraine is more common in women especially during or after their menstrual cycles. The disturbance of hormonal levels, like estrogen and serotonin, is the main cause.
Symptoms of Migraine?
- Pain is on either side of the head
- Pain is hammering or pulsating
- Pain increases when you do some work
- Vomiting and Nausea may also be associated with head pain
- Visual disturbances may occur like double vision, hallucinations, and flashing lights
- Vertigo while moving
Natural way to Cure Migraine in Homeopathy.
Homeopathic treatment of Migraine is considered the best remedy because this treatment is effective, natural, safe, and long-lasting. In homeopathy, medicine is given after studying the overall personality of the patient. The medicines of one patient may be entirely different from others, although both may have the very same symptoms.
By proper homeopathic treatment, the patient feels improvement after 2-4 weeks. Now patient will experience lesser pain attacks. Also, these attacks will end sooner. After 4-8 weeks, the headache pain attacks are almost finished but the actual causes of the problem are still existing inside the patient. You should not stop the treatment at this time OR your problem may re-appear. For maximum results and 100% recovery 6-12 months may be required.
Can Belladona Perfect Medicine for Migraine?
- Belladonna is a very effective medicine for right-sided headache
- Belladonna symptoms in headache worse on sun heat.
- Migraine Pain in Belladonna aggravates light, noise, lying down, and in the afternoon .
- Belladonna also effect pain due to High blood pressure
Natrium Mur
- Natrium mur is wonderful medicine for Migraines.
- Unbearable headache as if a hammer were knocking in the brain.
- In Natrium our symptoms worse in the early morning along with nausea and vomiting.
- Safe Cure of migraine using spiegel if the left side headache starts after sunrise to till sunset better in the night.
Natrium Carbonicum
The keynote of this remedy only uses when the pain is worse under the sunlight.
- Glonion is only useful when the patient history of sunstroke.
- Ipecac can be effective to control nausea during pain.
1 Comment
I am 28 year female, from Sialkot. I have migraine pain (Headache) from my student life. Whenever this headache start in full head, it takes a day or two days. Some time it starts after a week, sometimes after 2 days. It is from last 8 years.
I checked with different doctors, they are saying migraine pain does not have permanent solution. I heard in homeopathy, migraine pain have solution.
I heard about a lot, that why I sending you this email. You are kindly requested to guide.
If you really have something for my problem please reply me with mobile number.
I will visit to you in clinic.
Thanking you,