What Is Depression?
Depression is a serious problem when the sufferer becomes quite sad, helpless, and loses hope and interest in the daily activities of normal life.

Symptoms of Depression
National Institute of Mental Health states in one of its studies based on depression observed that the patients of this medical problem do not have the same symptoms. Different people have different causes and intensities of depression. However, some of the main symptoms of are given below:
- The person with this problem finds it difficult to concentrate and remember the facts and figures. He or she also loses decision-making power.
- Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of depression.
- The patient of this problem has some sort of guilt in his or her mind and is hopeless in his attitude.
- Waking up quite early as compared to the normal routine or sleeping for many hours also referred to the symptoms of depression.
- Sometimes a person starts overeating OR does not take proper diet, this could also lead to severe depression.
- Prolonged headaches and digestive issues are also the symptoms of this disease.
- When a person remains sad all the time, loses interest in life, and starts thinking to commit suicide then it is an alarming situation as it is a real case of depression.
Causes of Depression or Negative Thoughts
It often runs in families. This may be due to your genes (inherited), behaviors you learn at home, or both. Even if your genes make you more likely to develop this problem, a stressful or unhappy life event usually triggers it.
Many factors can cause depression, including:
- Excessive use of Alcohol.
- Different health issues like several forms of cancer
- Persistent aches like headache
- Sleeping issues
- Tense life routines such as issues at office or school
- Inferiority complex
- Problems in love or marital life
- The sudden death of a beloved or a person to whom the patient was attached emotionally.
- Tensions in domestic life such as separation with the spouse or the tension between the parents of the patient.
- Moreover, poor grades in studies, losing a professional job, and isolation are also referred to as the causes of this problem.
Homeopathic Remedies for Negative Thinking
Homeopathic treatment is a very encouraging way to deal with the issue of depression as it is harmless and does not have any side effects on the patient. That is why most people around the world prefer homeopathic medicines for their treatment.
While treating this condition a skilled homeopathic doctor tries to understand the main reasons and causes of depression in inpatients. This is very necessary and helps in proper treatment. Once the main reasons are understood, specific medicines are given that help to release tension, anxiety, and depression. Many times, it is caused by the increased or decreased production of certain chemicals and hormones in the body. With homeopathic medicines, the hormonal production is controlled and the patient feels happiness and peace of mind.
Here is a list of some of the effective homeopathic medicines that can be used to cure different types of depression.
- Aconite best medicine for depression fear of death patient believes that he will soon die.
- Fear of future and can not cross the road easily.
- Unhappiness, worried pains are intolerable.
- Music makes him sad.
- Physical and mentally disturbed all the time.
- Remarkable effective medicine for hysteria patients.
- This medicine is especially beneficial for nervous temperament women.
- Always change of mentally and physically condition.
- Most patients of Ignatia are not communicative.
Aurum Metallicum
- Hopeless and desire suicidal tendency.
- excessive disparate of life with high blood pressure.
- Despondency raises the systolic blood pressure.