The most common symptoms of Asthma are wheezing sounds while breathing and difficulty in breathing which is caused by the shrinkage and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Actually, air travels from our nostrils to the lungs through small bronchial air passages that end into the lungs. When these bronchial air passages are inflamed, obstructed, or tightened because of the spasm in surrounding muscles, difficulty in breathing is observed in the patient. This condition is called Asthma.
It is observed that 50% of patients are children of ages under 10 because they have very narrow air passages. If you observe that your child has difficulty in breathing consult your physician ASAP OR this condition may become severe or chronic.
Please note that there is no complete treatment in Allopathy. All medicines for only given to reduce or minimize the symptoms. The main effect of Allopathy medicines is to expand the air passages that help patients to breathe with ease. But this is only temporary relief and does not eliminate the root cause of the problem.
So, we can say that 100% Cure is not possible in Allopathic treatment.
100% cure of Asthma is possible in Homeopathy. This is good news to patients who are taking Allopathic medicines for years but have not seen any permanent relief yet.
You must be wondering why Homeopathy treatment is more effective than Allopathic treatment and how an Asthma patient can be fully recovered by Homeopathic Treatment. There are the following reasons for the success of Homeopathic Treatment:
So, Homeopathic medicines eliminate the root cause of the problem which gives permanent relief to patients when proper and complete treatment is done.
Please do not use any of these medicines on your own without consulting a professional homeopathic doctor.
iam an asthemathic patient since childhood.Homeopathic medicines give quick relief by reducing the constriction of air passages.i have consulted dr sabeel to cure this problem..he had given Special medicines that stop the recurrent colds and infections in lungs and air passages..Now i dont require even inhailer the results of homeopathy treatments are remarkable..
I am living out of Pakistan but i have 6 years old kid that suffer from ashtma, how can i get it?
I m asthmatic need help