Moles can be referred to as a spot on skin that is usually black, tan, or brown in color. The moles may vary in shape and appearance as these may be raised or flat; oval or round. Moles can grow at any age in men, women, and children. Some children do have moles present at the time of birth while some moles appear afterward in childhood or adulthood. Normally moles are harmless and disappear after some time but it is suggested to visit a doctor if the growth rate is abnormal or mole undergoes changes in its color and appearance as moles are likely to retain their appearance and color.
What is Mole Causes and Treatment
Moles on the skin appear when several cells cluster at a place. The factors that are related to mole production are
Moles are considered harmless as these moles result in no serious problems until the following symptoms appear
A doctor may check the mole and its surrounding area while pressing and touching it. He can have a clinical image of the mole and call the patient after some time to see the change. If he feels some abnormal change in the shape and size of the mole then he may refer the patient to a dermatologist to check if it is harmful or not.
A dermatologist may check the mole carefully and ask some relative questions if detects a problem. He may ask some general questions to determine either mole is harmful or not like
A suspicion during the physical examination may force dermatologists to ask for a biopsy. In a biopsy, a piece of the mole is extracted under the supervision of a specialist and is sent to test cancer in the lab. A biopsy helps determine the nature and intensity of cancer if the mole is a representative of it.
Moles are not treated by the doctors as these are harmless and cause no suffering to the person. But in cases when moles are itchy and cause pain then dermatologists may undergo some treatment. The dermatologist may also treat mole either bothering or not if he suspects it as cancerous. The only possible remedy in allopathic for a mole is, remove it.
Any of the following procedures would be done by the dermatologist to remove the mole from the skin depending upon the size of the mole
In surgical excision, a dermatologist cuts the whole mole after numbing the surrounding skin. After the mole is cut the skin is stitch to fill the gap of a mole in the skin. In Excision whole mole is removed at a time no matter how big the mole is.
If the mole is small in size then the dermatologist prefers shaving rather than excision. In this procedure, the skin is numbed and the mole raised above the skin is removed from the top using a small-sized blade. Though in this procedure mole is shaved and not cut thus it needs no stitches. The skin heals after a little time.
Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines to remove moles from the skin in a very effective way. Though the treatment may take the time it will save the patient to pass through any surgical procedure and side effects.
Some of the most effective medicines in homeopathy for the treatment of moles are
Fluoricum Acidum and Thuja are ranked as the best homeopathic medicines in case of acquired moles. Acquired moles start to appear on the body on covered parts with passing age. Fluoricum is the especially best remedy for such moles in children having cracked and dry skin as a symptom. The brown-colored moles that are either birthmarks or developed due to dirt are best treated with Thuja.
Some moles make their place on the skin anywhere in the body from birth as birthmarks. These birthmarks or congenital moles can be removed using two top medicines named Sulphur and Cundurango. The smooth birthmarks are well treated with Cundurango as well as the moles associated with cancerous cells. While moist and brown in color congenital moles can be treated with Sulphur effectively. Sulfur is also the best if the skin of the mole feels denuded in appearance and sore in touch.
Some moles look like a spider in appearance and need special medicine to be cured. Best homeopathic medicine for such Platina and Carbo Vegetabilis. The latter medicine especially shows the best results in the case of spidery nevi birthmarks on moist skin. But if these moles come with sharp pricking pain leading to urge of scratching then the best option is Platina.
Sometimes the pigment develops deep inside the skin rather than be apparent. In such cases, the color of the mole turns blue. Such blue moles are generally seen on the areas of the chest or lower abdomen. These blue moles are different in nature though no much harmful but still demand different treatment instead of in case of normal moles. Homeopathic medicine Phosphorous can serve the best to treat bluish moles. But if moles are red but later on turn blue are not same as bluish moles thus need a different medicine. Thus changing moles can be treated with Calcarea Carbonica.
Some moles do not fit in the generic category as they are associated with special circumstances like yellowish itchy moles seen in young girls at the age of their puberty or concerned with their periodic cycle. These moles not only look bad to the eyes but also irritate severely due to the itching. The reason for such moles is bad eating habits and improper hygiene. Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is the best to save girls from the inconvenience caused by such moles.
Please note that you should NOT use any of these mentioned medicines on your own. We have listed these medicines for educational and information purposes only. Only an experienced homeopathic doctor can suggest you right medicine after looking at your signs and symptoms.
1 Comment
Aoa Sir,
Please guide me about homeopathic treatment.
Hassan Ali