Jaundice is a common disease caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood. Icterus is another term used for Jaundice.
Symptoms of this disease are pale skin color, white eyes, dark urine, and pale color stool.
Normally Jaundice’s condition occurs in newborn babies.
The normal process in the body is the breakdown of red cells and the creation of bilirubin in the blood.
The liver helps to filter the bloodstream and clear bilirubin.
When the baby lives in the womb mother’s liver, performs filtration, but after birth, the baby needs to break down bilirubin as a quick body makes it, but sometimes the baby’s liver failed to perform.
The excessive quantity of bilirubin is the main cause of this disease.
Pale eyes and skin color are the symptoms of the severe condition of Jaundice that can cause brain damage.
In newborn babies, this issue can affect badly, have a look at the reasons for Jaundice in babies:
You can’t diagnose the disease in a baby right after birth, and symptoms will appear within 2 to 3 days.
Different conditions can be faced like:
If a mother has a different type of blood according to the baby, then there are chances to have jaundice.
You can save you, baby, by having some precautionary measures during pregnancy.
Your baby has a greater chance to have this disease when baby
There are different signs which indicate your child has jaundice.
If your kid has a slight attack of jaundice, it will be cured automatically within one or three weeks.
In this condition, the doctor keeps the baby in special care or a nursery in the hospital.
To lower the bilirubin level in the blood of the baby, you can take the treatment mentioned here:
In this process, doctors keep the baby under a specific lamp that discharges light in the blue-green spectrum.
Light will help to change the shape of the bilirubin molecule and helps to release it by urine.
Jaundice type depends on the blood type difference between baby and mother; this will cause the baby’s red blood cells to break down rapidly.
The intravenous transfusion is a type of blood protein that helps to reduce the level of antibodies, and this will help to decrease jaundice
The baby doesn’t require any other treatment only exchange transfusion of blood helps to dilute bilirubin.
In this treatment, a small amount of blood can be exchanged with the donor; this treatment is purely for newborn babies and performed in the baby intensive care unit.
Aconitum napellus used to treat jaundice helps to soothe fright not only for baby also for mothers.
Arnica is a remedy in homeopathy used to treat the swollen baby, also used as a preventative remedy.
Chelidonium is a recommended remedy for fatty liver and jaundice disease in babies who are facing sluggish bowels.
Lycopodium helps to treat constipated babies who are facing the gas issue.
Keep in mind homeopathy treatment is safe as compared to allopathic treatment, especially when you want to treat your infant.
Homeopathic never prolongs the disease and has no side effects, it will take time but strengthen the immune system.